ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-CN)

Seasons of Love - Cast of Rent covered by ITOI Akane

Seasons of Love - Cast of Rent covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱了一首经典作品!这次她翻唱的是 Cast of Rent 的《Seasons of Love》。

声乐、所有乐器、编程: ITOI Akane

地点: Skólavörðustí Skólavörðustígur 街,Hattorgrímskirche Hallgrímskirkja 前

ITOI Akane说: 感谢您收看今年的封面系列!


Hallogallo / NEU! covered by ITOI Akane
Hallogallo / NEU! covered by ITOI Akane

  日本声音创作者ITOI Akane翻唱经典歌曲! 这次他翻唱了NEU! 的'Hallogallo'。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered 'Hallogallo' by NEU! Vocals, all instruments, programming : ITOI Akane 我们这次翻唱的原唱在这里。"Hallogallo"   Apple Music   amazon

Take On Me - a-ha covered by ITOI Akane
Take On Me - a-ha 由 ITOI Akane 翻唱

  日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱了一首经典作品!这次她翻唱的是 a-ha 的《Take On Me》。 所有乐器的编程: ITOI Akane 原曲在此。Take On Me Apple Music amazon

When My Time Comes - Dawes covered by ITOI Akane
When My Time Comes - Dawes covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱经典!这次她翻唱的是 Dawes 的《When My Time Comes》。 所有乐器编程: ITOI Akane 原曲在此'When My Time Comes' Apple Music amazon

Next Year - Two Door Cinema Club covered by ITOI Akane
Next Year - Two Door Cinema Club covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱了一首经典作品!这次她翻唱的是 Two Door Cinema Club 的《Next Year》。 所有乐器编程: ITOI Akane 原曲在此。'Next Year' Apple Music amazon

Lorelei - Cocteau Twins covered by ITOI Akane
Lorelei - Cocteau Twins covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱了一首经典作品!这次她翻唱的是 Cocteau Twins 的《Lorelei》。 所有乐器的编程: ITOI Akane 原曲在此。'Lorelei' Apple Music amazon

Here Comes Your Man / ピクシーズ covered by ITOI Akane
Here Comes Your Man / Pixies covered by ITOI Akane

  日本声音创作者ITOI Akane翻唱经典! 这次他翻唱了Pixies的《Here Comes Your Man》。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Here Comes Your Man" by Pixies. Vocals, all instruments, programming : ITOI Akane 这次我们翻唱的原唱是在这里。"Here Comes Your Man"   Apple Music   ...


7days Routine Pops - ITOI Akane


-ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-CN)
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