ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-TW)

Wouldn't It Be Nice - The Beach Boys covered by ITOI Akane

Wouldn't It Be Nice / ザ・ビーチ・ボーイズ covered by ITOI Akane


日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了The Beach Boys的“ Wouldn't It Be Nice”。

ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Wouldn't It Be Nice" by The Beach Boys.

所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane

Filming Locations : Rhodes Island, Greece

"Wouldn't It Be Nice"

Apple Music



Green Grass Of Tunnel / ムーム covered by ITOI Akane
Green Grass Of Tunnel - Múm covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了Múm的“ Green Grass Of Tunnel”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Green Grass Of Tunnel" by Múm. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 圖片來自冰島VatnajoktorFilming Locations : Vatnajoktor, Iceland 這次,我被允許翻唱的原始歌曲在這裡。"Green ...

You Can't Hurry Love - The Supremes covered by ITOI Akane
You Can't Hurry Love - The Supremes covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱經典!這次她翻唱的是 The Supremes 的 「You Can't Hurry Love」。 聲樂、所有樂器、編曲: ITOI Akane ITOI Akane 說:「You Can't Hurry Love 」是一首至今仍被許多人翻唱的經典歌曲。低音線和可愛的歌詞都非常有特色、我最喜歡 Diana Ross 溫柔的嗓音。

Kids / MGMT covered by ITOI Akane
Kids - MGMT covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了MGMT的“ Kids”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Kids" by MGMT. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 我们这次翻唱的原唱在这里。"Kids" Apple Music amazon music

Time After Time / シンディ・ローパー covered by ITOI Akane
Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了Cyndi Lauper的“ Time After Time”。ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 我们这次翻唱的原唱在这里。"Time After Time" Apple Music amazon music

Everyday Is A Winding Road - Sheryl Crow covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家 ITOI Akane翻唱經典!這次她翻唱了 Sheryl Crow 的《Everyday Is A Winding Road》。 所有儀器的編程:ITOI Akane 原曲 Amazon

Hallogallo / NEU! covered by ITOI Akane
Hallogallo - NEU! covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了NEU!的“ Hallogallo”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered 'Hallogallo' by NEU! 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 這次,我被允許翻唱的原始歌曲在這裡。"Hallogallo" Apple Music amazon


7days Routine Pops - ITOI Akane


-ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-TW)
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