ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-TW)

Lorelei - Cocteau Twins covered by ITOI Akane

Lorelei - Cocteau Twins covered by ITOI Akane


日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了Cocteau Twins的“ Lorelei”。

ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered 'Lorelei' by Cocteau Twins.

所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane


Apple Music



Ping Pong - Stereolab covered by ITOI Akane
Ping Pong - Stereolab covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家ITOI Akane翻唱經典!這次她翻唱了Stereolab的《Ping Pong》。 所有儀器的編程:ITOI Akane

Town Called Malice / The Jam covered by ITOI Akane
Town Called Malice - The Jam covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了The Jam的“ Town Called Malice”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered 'Town Called Malice' by The Jam. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 這次,我被允許翻唱的原始歌曲在這裡。"悪意という名の街" Apple Music amazon

Bella Ciao / Bella Ciao covered by ITOI Akane
Bella Ciao - Bella Ciao covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了Bella Ciao的“ Bella Ciao”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Bella Ciao" by Bella Ciao. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 攝影:聖家族教堂,西班牙巴塞羅那Filming Locations : Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain 這次,我被允許翻唱的原始歌曲在這裡。"Be ...

Favourite - Fontaines D.C. covered by ITOI Akane
Favourite - Fontaines D.C. covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱經典!這次她翻唱的是 Fontaines D.C. 的 「Favourite」 。 聲樂、所有樂器、編曲: ITOI Akane ITOI Akane 說:「Favourite」 是今年發行的歌曲中聽得最多的一首。我第一次聽到這首歌是在收音機裡。我從沒聽過 Fontine D.C.,但當我查他們的資料時,發現他們被安排在 Fuji Rock(日本最著名的音樂節)上表演。今年我沒能去到富士搖滾,但我在串流畫面中看到的現場演出非常震撼。

Blue Monday - New Order covered by ITOI Akane
Blue Monday - New Order covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了經典!這次,她介紹了New Order的“ Blue Monday”。 Japanese composer ITOI Akane covers a classic! This time she covers "Blue Monday" by New Order. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 原始歌曲在這裡。'Blue Monday' Apple Music amazon

Take Me Home, Country Roads / ジョン・デンバー covered by ITOI Akane
Take Me Home, Country Roads - John Denver covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了John Denver的“ Take Me Home, Country Roads”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 照片:布拉格的華沙Filming Locations : On the train from Prague t ...


7days Routine Pops - ITOI Akane


-ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-TW)
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