
ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-TW)

In Undertow - Alvvays covered by ITOI Akane

In Undertow - Alvvays covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱經典!這次她翻唱的是 Alvvays 的 「In Undertow」。

聲樂、所有樂器、編曲: ITOI Akane

ITOI Akane 說: 這次我們翻唱了 2010 年代的搖滾樂。


Son of a Gun / The Vaselines covered by ITOI Akane
Son of a Gun - The Vaselines covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了The Vaselines的“ Son of a Gun”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Son of a Gun" by The Vaselines. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 這次,所涵蓋的原始歌曲在這裡。"Son of a Gun" Apple Music Amazonhttps://amzn.to/3yMDxuS

リヴ・フォーエヴァー / オアシス covered by ITOI Akane
Live Forever - Oasis covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了Oasis的“ Live Forever”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered 'Live Forever' by Oasis. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 這次,我被允許翻唱的原始歌曲在這裡。"Live Forever" Apple Music amazonhttps://amzn.to/3CMxKKj

Race For The Prize - The Flaming Lips covered by ITOI Akane
Race For The Prize - The Flaming Lips covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了The Flaming Lips的“ Race For The Prize”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered 'Race For The Prize' by The Flaming Lips. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 這次,我被允許翻唱的原始歌曲在這裡。'Race For The Prize' Apple Music amazonhttps: ...

Magnificent Time / Travis covered by ITOI Akane
Magnificent Time - Travis covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了Travis的“ Magnificent Time”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Magnificent Time" by Travis. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 這次,所涵蓋的原始歌曲在這裡。"Magnificent Time" Apple Music

Next Year - Two Door Cinema Club covered by ITOI Akane
Next Year - Two Door Cinema Club covered by ITOI Akane

  日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了Two Door Cinema Club的“ Next Year”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered 'Next Year' by Two Door Cinema Club. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 這次,我被允許翻唱的原始歌曲在這裡。'Next Year' Apple Music amazonhttps://amzn.to/3GOl1Zg

Care Of Cell 44 / The Zombies covered by ITOI Akane
Care Of Cell 44 - The Zombies covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家ITOI Akane涵蓋了傑作!!這次,他報導了The Zombies的“ Care Of Cell 44”。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Care Of Cell 44" by The Zombies. 所有樂器的編程:ITOI Akane 這次,所涵蓋的原始歌曲在這裡。'Care Of Cell 44' Apple Music Amazonhttps://amzn.to/2Vupk7W


7days Routine Pops - ITOI Akane


-ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-TW)
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