
ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-CN)

Favourite - Fontaines D.C. covered by ITOI Akane

Favourite - Fontaines D.C. covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱了一首经典作品!这次她翻唱的是 Fontaines D.C. 的《Favourite》。

声乐、所有乐器、编程: ITOI Akane

ITOI Akane 说:“Favourite ”是今年发行的歌曲中收听率最高的一首。
我从未听说过 Fontine D.C.,但当我查他们的资料时,我发现他们计划在富士摇滚音乐节(日本最著名的音乐节)上表演。


Heart Of Glass / Blondie covered by ITOI Akane
ITOI Akane翻唱的Heart Of Glass / Blondie

  日本声音创作者伊藤明日香翻唱名曲! 这一次,她翻唱了Blondie的《Heart Of Glass》。 所有乐器的编程: ITOI Akane 原歌在这里。'Heart Of Glass'   Apple Music   amazonhttps://amzn.to/43l5Dxh

Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes covered by ITOI Akane
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes covered by ITOI Akane

日本作曲家 ITOI Akane 翻唱了一首经典作品!这次她翻唱的是 The White Stripes 的 "Seven Nation Army"。 所有乐器的编程: ITOI Akane 原曲在此。'Seven Nation Army' Amazon https://amzn.to/43twBUo

Time After Time / シンディ・ローパー covered by ITOI Akane
Time After Time / Cyndi Lauper covered by ITOI Akane

  日本声音创作者ITOI Akane翻唱经典歌曲! 这次他翻唱了Cyndi Lauper的'Time After Time'。ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. Vocals, all instruments, programming : ITOI Akane 我们这次翻唱的原唱在这里。"Time After Time" Apple Music ama ...

Take Me Home, Country Roads / ジョン・デンバー covered by ITOI Akane
Take Me Home, Country Roads / John Denver covered by ITOI Akane

  日本声音创作者ITOI Akane翻唱经典! 这一次,他翻唱了John Denver的《Take Me Home, Country Roads》。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver. Vocals, all instruments, programming : ITOI Akane 地点:从布拉格到华沙的火车上Filming L ...

Care Of Cell 44 / The Zombies covered by ITOI Akane
Care Of Cell 44 / The Zombies covered by ITOI Akane

ITOI Akane翻唱了一首经典歌曲! 这次她翻唱了The Zombies的《Care Of Cell 44》。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "Care Of Cell 44" by The Zombies. Vocals, all instruments, programming : ITOI Akane 我们这次翻唱的原唱在这里。「Care Of Cell 44」 Apple Music Amazonhttps://a ...

In The Kingdom / マジー・スター covered by ITOI Akane
In The Kingdom / Mazzy Star covered by ITOI Akane

  日本声音创作者ITOI Akane翻唱经典! 这一次,他翻唱了Mazzy Star的《In The Kingdom》。 ITOI Akane covers famous songs! This time, she covered "In The Kingdom" by Mazzy Star. Vocals, all instruments, programming : ITOI Akane 我们这次翻唱的原唱在这里。"In The Kingdom"   Apple Music   amazo ...


Reach for the Star - ITOI Akane


-ITOI Akane Cover Songs (zh-CN)
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