
Kanji of the year!(2020) Radio "Mitsuaki Note"

Radio "Mitsuaki Note" broadcasted on December 30

TANAKA Mitsuaki serves as a personality in "Mitsuaki Note". Broadcast on December 30, 2020. Program Last Episode.

In 2020, it is said that it is "Mitsu" when this year is expressed in one Kanji character. What is the 2020 year of TANAKA Mitsuaki in kanji? Let's go fully open the engine today!

TANAKA Mitsuaki's "Mitsuaki Note" has been broadcast for two years. This will be the last episode.
We would like to thank all the listeners who have listened to us so far.

In addition, thank you for your continued support of TANAKA Mitsuaki.

Click here for the official website of the program

Past broadcasts are also available on Spotify and iTunes podcasts!

  • Spotify podcasts
  • Apple_Podcast

